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Campos, F., Nguyen, H., Ahn, J., & Jackson, K. (2024). Leveraging cultural forms in human-centered learning analytics design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(3), 769-884.

a paper that describes how our team leveraged educators' routines, values, and cultural representations into the design of the digital dashboard  


Kochmanski, N. & Cobb, P. (2023). Identifying and negotiating productive instructional improvement goals in one-on-one mathematics coaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 74(5), 437-350.

paper that outlines how coaches can identify and then negotiate productive instructional improvement goals with teachers, so that teachers come to see productive goals as worth pursuing


Kochmanski, N. & Cobb, P. (2023). Identifying productive one-on-one coaching practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 131.

paper identifying and describing eight one-on-one coaching practices for which there is evidence that they can support teachers’ development of ambitious and equitable instructional practices


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., Jarry-Shore, M., Borko, H., Kazemi, E., Chinen, S., Lenges, A., Yilmaz, Z., & Haines, C. (2023). Using a practical measure to support inquiry into professional development facilitation. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 12(1), 70--83.

paper detailing facilitators' generative use of the Collaborative Professional Development Survey (CPDS) in one professional development context


Jackson, K., Nieman, H., DiGiacomo, D., Campos, F., & Kochmanski, N. (2022). Mathematics teachers’ interpretations of students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment: opportunities for inquiry and insight into pedagogical commitments. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (pp. 1277-1280). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

a paper that details the affordances and limitations of teachers’ interpretations of the classroom practical data for professional learning


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., Jarry-Shore, M., Borko, H., Kazemi, E., Chinen, C., Lenges, A., Yilmaz, Z., & Haines, C. (2022). Using a tool that assesses teachers’ experiences of collaborative professional development to inform and improve facilitation. In Hodgen, J., Geraniou, E., Bolondi, G. & Ferretti, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 4726–4733). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.

a paper that details the affordances and limitations of teachers’ interpretations of the classroom practical data for professional learning


Takahashi, S., Jackson, K., Norman, J., Ing, M., & Krumm, A. (2022). Measurement for improvement. In D. Peurach, J. Russell, L. Cohen-Vogel, & W. R. Penuel (Eds.), The foundational handbook on improvement research in education (pp. 423 - 442). Rowman & Littlefield. 

a book chapter that offers a framework for conceptualizing measurement for the purposes of improvement


Yilmaz, Z., Chinen, S., Ing, M., Jackson, K., Kochmanski, N., & Sevgi, S. (2022).  Using the whole-class discussion practical measure as an indicator of improvement  [Technical Report]. Retrieved [date] from

technical report investigating the use of the whole-class discussion measure as an indicator of instructional improvement


Campos, F., Ahn, J., DiGiacomo, D., Nguyen, H., & Hays, M. (2021). Making sense of sensemaking: Understanding how K-12 teachers and coaches react to visual analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics, Early Access, 1-21. 

paper proposing a new process model for understanding K-12 data sensemaking.


Nguyen, H., Campos, F., & Ahn, J. (2021). Expanding the Design Space of Data and Action in Education: What Co-designing with Educators Reveal about Current Possibilities and Limitations.
 In Bowers, A. (Ed), Reports from the NSF School Data Collaborative Workshop.

paper that reflects upon a workshop where educators co-designed their own data visualizations.


Ahn, J., Campos, F., Nguyen, H., Hays, M., & Morrison, J. (2021, April). Co-Designing for Privacy, Transparency, and Trust in K-12 Learning Analytics. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (pp. 55-65).

a paper detailing the co-design of data-sharing tools with our partner educators.


Ing, M., Chinen, S., Jackson, K., & Smith, T. M. (2021). When should I use a measure to support instructional improvement at scale? The importance of considering both intended and actual use in validity arguments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 40(1), 92-100. 

paper detailing the need for validity as an ongoing process by highlighting the importance of attending to characteristics of both users and the contexts


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., & Lenges, A. (2020). Facilitators’ and school leaders’ role in establishing an inquiry-oriented professional community of mathematics teachers. In Borko, H. and Potari, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Study Conference of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction: Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups (pp. 500 - 507).

a paper addressing the role school leaders and professional learning facilitators play in establishing communities of mathematics teachers characterized by authentic, collective inquiry into instructional practice and oriented toward ambitious and equitable learning aims for students


Takahashi, S., Norman, J., Jackson, K., Ing, M., & Chinen, S. (2020). Measurement for improvement in education. In Peurach, D., & Russell, J. (Eds.), Oxford bibliographies in education: Scholarship on improvement. Oxford University Press.    

an annotated bibliography of scholarship on “measurement for improvement” (or practical measurement). Includes sections on History and Lineage, Features of Measures, Set (or System) of Measures, Rigor of Measures, Analytic Infrastructure, and Examples of Measurement for Improvement in Education.


Nieman, H., Kochmanski, N., Jackson, K., Cobb, P., & Henrick, E. (2020). Student surveys inform and improve classroom discussion. Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK-12, 113(12), e91–99.

a paper describing the development of the classroom discussion measures and illustrating two cases of their use in professional learning.


Ahn, J., Campos, F., Hays, M., & Digiacomo, D. (2019). Designing in Context: Reaching Beyond Usability in Learning Analytics Dashboard Design. Journal of Learning Analytics, 6(2), 70–85.

paper containing design narratives that illuminate how learning analytics design should be contextualized for RPPs


Jackson, K., Henrick, E., Cobb, P., Kochmanski, N., & Nieman, H. (2016).  Practical measures to improve the quality of small-group and whole-class discussion [White Paper]. Retrieved August 8 2019 from

paper detailing the process by which we developed the measures of small-group and whole-class discussion


Kochmanski, N., Henrick, E., and Cobb, P. (2015, October). On the development of content-specific practical measures assessing aspects of instruction associated with student learning. National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools National Conference, Nashville, TN.

paper detailing a process for developing and validating content-specific practical measures



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Jackson, K. & Ahn, J. (2024, June). Possibilities and tensions in using practical measures to enable equity-oriented instructional improvement in mathematics [Paper presentation]. In C. Hoadley, & X.C. Wang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1949-1956).

a presentation and paper highlighting generative tensions that our team encountered in the design of routines and representations to support practical measurement 


Ing, M., Jackson, K., Cobb, P., & Smith, T. M. (2023, April). Investigating the use of measures for mathematics instructional improvement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL.

presentation describing a validity approach to using measures designed to support district and school efforts to improve the quality of middle grades mathematics teaching


Jackson, K., Nieman, H. J., Sandoval, C., & Takahashi, S. (2023, April). Practical measurement for equity and justice in mathematics: Challenges and possibilities. Session presented at the Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Diego, CA.

a presentation that focuses on challenges and affordances of practical measurement in relation to issues of equity and justice in mathematics education


Sevgi, S., Kochmanski, N., & Cobb, P. (2023, April). Supporting Mathematics Coaches to Identify Productive Instructional Improvement Goals for Teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

​a presentation describing the process of mathematics coaches’ learning to identify productive instructional improvement goals and the means by which that learning was supported.


Nieman, H., Sime, V., Lenges, A., & Jackson, K. (2022, October). Eliciting teachers’ insights into professional learning experiences to inform facilitators’ inquiry. Northwest Mathematics Conference, Tacoma, WA.

a presentation that focuses on how a professional development facilitator used the collaborative PD practical measure to inform her facilitation practice


Jackson, K., Lenges, A., & Nieman, H. (2022, October). Eliciting students’ insights for instructional improvement. Northwest Mathematics Conference, Tacoma, WA.

a presentation that shares how the classroom practical measures can be integrated into ongoing professional learning 


Jackson, K., Nieman, H., DiGiacomo, D., Campos, F., & Kochmanski, N. (2022, June). Mathematics teachers’ interpretations of students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment: opportunities for inquiry and insight into pedagogical commitments. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022 (pp. 1277-1280). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

a presentation that details the affordances and limitations of teachers’ interpretations of the classroom practical data for professional learning


PMRR Team (2022, April). Using a system of practical measures, routines, and representations to support instructional improvement at scale. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

  • Jackson, K. An introduction to the symposium.

  • Kochmanksi, N. & Cobb, P. (presentation) Integrating classroom measures in one-on-one coaching. 

  • Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., Jarry-Shore, M., Borko, H., Kazemi, E., Chinen, S., Lenges, A., & Haines, C. (paper and presentation) Supporting inquiry into professional development facilitation: the potential of a practical measure of teachers' experiences.

  • Nguyen, H., Campos, F., & Ahn, J. (presentation) Co-designing data dashboards from research-practice partnerships and learning analytics perspectives. 

  • Ing, M. & Smith, T. (presentation) Conceptualizing validity arguments for practical measures of improvement of instruction at scale. 


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., Jarry-Shore, M., Borko, H., Kazemi, E., Chinen, S., Lenges, A., Yilmaz, Z., & Haines, C. (2022, February). Using a tool that assesses teachers’ experiences of collaborative professional development to inform and improve facilitation. Paper presented at the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), virtual.

presentation exploring the potential of a practical measure of collaborative professional development to support facilitators' inquiry into and improvement of their facilitation practice.


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., Lenges, A., Borko, H., Jarry-Shore, M., & Yilmaz, Z. (2021, March). Using “practical measures” of teachers’ experiences to reflect on and improve professional learning. Invited session for the Teachers’ Development Group Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Learning. (Virtual Session.)

session introducing practical measures of collaborative professional learning experiences that leaders can use to reflect on and adjust their practice


Jackson, K., Borko, H., Lenges, A., & Jarry-Shore, M. (2020, March). Using data from “practical measures” to reflect on and improve classroom practice and professional learning. Invited session for the Teachers Development Group Leadership Seminar, Portland, OR.

session that introduces practical measures of classroom instruction and a practical measure of collaborative professional development; and highlights the use of the measures in professional learning


Nieman, H. J., Jackson, K., & Lenges, A. (2020). Facilitators’ and school leaders’ role in establishing an inquiry-oriented professional community of mathematics teachers. In Borko, H. and Potari, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Study Conference of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction: Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups (pp. 500 - 507).

paper presentation addressing the role school leaders and professional learning facilitators play in establishing communities of mathematics teachers characterized by authentic, collective inquiry into instructional practice and oriented toward ambitious and equitable learning aims for students


Campos, F. & Ahn, J. (2019) Data visualization and learning analytics in an RPP context. National Network of Research-Practice Partnerships Annual Forum, Foxborough, MA. 

presentation introducing the topics of Learning Analytics and Data Visualization to RPP participants.


Ahn, J., Chinen, S., Cobb, P., Jackson, K., Kochmanksi, N., Slayton, J., & Tarnowieckyi, K. (2019, April).  Using practical measures to support secondary math instruction. Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.

a session that introduces practical measures of classroom instruction and highlights the use of the measures in two different district instructional improvement initiatives (one-on-one coaching and curriculum guide writing)


Cobb, P., Jackson, K., & Ing, M. (2019, April). Developing practical measures to inform instructional improvement initiatives in mathematics.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

a presentation highlighting key aspects of designing and using practical measures that target instructional processes, including consideration of issues of validity


Ing, M., Chinen, S., Jackson, K. J., & Smith, T. M. (2019). Highlighting actual interpretations and uses in validity evidence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Toronto, Canada.

a presentation describing intended and actual interpretations of an indicator designed to improve middle school mathematics instruction


Kochmanski, N., Slayton, J., Goodwin, T., & Cobb, P. (2019, April). Designing mathematics coach professional development to support improvements in the quality of one-on-one coaching. Session presented at the Annual Conference for the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.

a session reporting on an ongoing design for supporting coaches’ professional learning, as well as lessons learned for effectively implementing a coaching program across a district


Jackson, K., Nieman, H., Kochmanski, N., & DiGiacomo, D. (2019, April). Making sense of teachers’ varied responses to representations of practice. Paper session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Diego, CA.

a presentation exploring and theorizing variation in teachers’ responses to data about their classroom practice (student survey results)


Kochmanski, N. & Nieman, H. (2019, February). Using practical measures of key aspects of instruction in mathematics coaching. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.

session exploring how practical measures of students' experiences of instruction might inform and support the work of mathematics coaching


Ing, M., Jackson, K., Cobb, P., Henrick, E., Kochmanski, N., Nieman, H., Smith, T., Ahn, J., Hays, M., DiGiacamo, D., Chinen, S., & Campos, F. (2018, April). Exploring measurement issues in the context of practical measures: The case of a practical measure of the quality of discussion in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

presentation exploring issues of measurement in relation to practical measures of instruction


Kochmanski, N., Cobb, P., Jarry-Shore, M., Slayton, J., Trevino, E., Brown, A. (2018, April). Embedding practical measures in supports for teachers’ learning. Session presented at the Annual Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.​

presentation sharing how several districts have embedded practical measures of the quality of mathematics discussion in efforts to support middle grades mathematics teachers' learning


Kochmanski, N., Nieman, H., Jarry-Shore, M., Treviño, E., Jackson, K., Borko, H., Cobb, P., & Henrick, E. (2018, February). Practical measures of instruction: Improving mathematics teaching with quick, actionable feedback. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Houston, TX

presentation describing a practical measure of the quality of discussion in classrooms and exploring how the measure has informed professional learning efforts in various district contexts


Nieman, H. & Jackson, K. (2017, October). Using practical measures to inform and improve mathematics teaching. Session presented at the Northwest Mathematics Conference, Portland, OR.

session exploring how student voice, in the form of a practical measure of instruction, might inform the work of teachers, coaches, and district leaders.


DiGiacomo, D. & Gruendler, A. L. (2017, October). Using web-based practical measures to support improvement at scale: Insights from a Research Practice Partnership. Session presented at the Digital Media and Learning Conference, University of California, Irvine. 

presentation that draws upon survey and interview data from the the first year of a research-practice partnership between University of California Riverside and the Val Verde School District, to explore questions related to valid contexts of use for practical measures designed to improve the quality of discussion in middle school mathematics classrooms


Slayton, J. & Kochmanski, N. (2017, October). Using practical measures to improve mathematical discourse in middle grades. Session presented at the Annual LEAD Conference, Nashville, TN.

session focusing on using data from practical measures to inform improvements in the facilitation of whole-class discussions in middle grades mathematics classrooms


Jackson, K., Nieman, H., Kochmanski, N., Harris, A., Slayton, J., Treviño, E., & Asturias, H. (2017, April).  District leaders’, coaches’ and teachers’ use of practical measures to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. Session presented at the 49th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

session exploring a practical measure of the quality of discussion in classrooms and the way it has informed instructional improvement efforts in Jefferson County Public Schools, Metro Nashville Public Schools, and San Francisco Unified Public Schools


Thompson, J., & Jackson, K. (2016, June).  On the design and implementation of practical measures to support instructional improvement at scale. National Science Foundation DR-K12 Principal Investigator Conference, Washington, D.C.

session on why and how two research-practice partnerships (one focused on science, and ours on mathematics) incorporated the use of practical measures of the quality of instruction in large-scale instructional improvement efforts


Henrick, E., Jackson, K., Ryan, J., & Takahashi, S. (2016, March). You cannot improve at scale what you cannot measure: The technical side of practical measurement development. Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.

session on how practical measures can feature as prominent levers for improving instructional practice at the scale of a large, urban district


PMRR Team (2023, June). Developing a system of practical measures, routines, and representations to inform and enhance instructional improvement efforts. Poster presentation at the National Science Foundation DR-K12 Principal Investigator Conference, Washington, DC.

a poster detailing our team’s ongoing effort to develop a system of practical measures, representations, and routines of use specific to 1) aspects of high-quality mathematics instruction that prior research links to student learning, and 2) supports for teachers to improve the quality of instruction and thus students’ learning


Kochmanski, N., Sevgi, S., & Cobb, P. (2023, April). Facilitating Productive One-on-one Debriefing Conversations. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

poster describing how mathematics coaches can debrief productively with individual teachers after a lesson observation


Jackson, K., Cobb, P., Ing, M., Nieman, H., Haines, C., & Jarry-Shore, M. (2021, June). Developing a system of practical measures, routines, and representations to inform and enhance instructional improvement efforts. Virtual poster presentation presented at the National Science Foundation DR-K12 Principal Investigator Conference.

poster detailing our team’s ongoing effort to develop a system of practical measures, representations, and routines of use specific to 1) aspects of high-quality mathematics instruction that prior research links to student learning, and 2) supports for teachers to improve the quality of instruction and thus students’ learning


Jackson, K., Cobb, P., Smith, T., Ahn, J., Ing, M., Nieman, H., Kochmanski, N., Campos, F., Chinen, S., DiGiacomo, D., & Hays, M. (2019, April). Developing a system of practical measures, routines, and representations to inform and enhance instructional improvement efforts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto.

poster detailing our team’s ongoing effort to develop a system of practical measures, representations, and routines of use specific to 1) aspects of high-quality mathematics instruction that prior research links to student learning, and 2) supports for teachers to improve the quality of instruction and thus students’ learning


Ahn, J., Hays, M., & Campos, F. (2018, April). Designing usable technologies for practical measurement. Poster presented at the Annual Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.

poster exploring the design of technologies for data collection and data representation for improvement efforts involving practical measures and analytics


Kochmanski, N., Nieman, H., & Cobb, P. (2016, March). Developing practical measures of the quality of the mathematics classroom learning environment. Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.

poster detailing our efforts to iterate upon and refine our current measures assessing discussion


Cobb, P., Henrick, E., & Kochmanski, N. (2015, March). Developing practical improvement measures for research-practice partnerships that aim to improve the quality of STEM instruction. Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, CA.

poster detailing our process for identifying and agreeing upon a shared improvement focus with our district partners, as well as how we mapped the system of improvement to better understand our partner districts’ contexts.


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