Professional Learning Measures
Implementing instructional improvement strategies in school districts and other educational organizations that target the core of mathematics teaching and learning is difficult work. One challenge is that there are few tools practitioners can use to engage in frequent, systematic, disciplined inquiry regarding the implementation of particular strategies in and across various contexts. Practical measures (PMs) support this type of inquiry. We are developing a system of PMs, routines for using the measures, and representations of the resulting data to support instructional improvement in middle-grades math.
The measures below focus on professional learning, including measures specific to collaborative professional learning experiences, and one-on-one coaching cycles. For classroom-specific measures, click here.
PMs in a nutshell
Are specific to improvement goals.
Use language that is relevant and meaningful to practitioners.
Are easy to implement.
Provide frequent, rapid feedback.
Directly inform efforts to track and improve practice.
Can be easily embedded in professional learning.
Are not meant to be used for accountability or high-stakes, evaluation purposes.
Collaborative Professional Learning
These short surveys provide information about teachers’ experiences in collaborative professional learning contexts (e.g., job-embedded or pull-out professional development sessions). They were designed to aid facilitators as they support group members to: engage in discussions characterized by authentic, generative inquiry; deprivatize their practice for collective inquiry; view the professional learning as relevant to their own instructional contexts; and see themselves as valued members of the community. The survey takes about 4 - 5 minutes to complete.
One-On-One Coaching (Coming soon)
These short teacher surveys provide information about a teacher’s experiences co-planning and debriefing a mathematics lesson with an instructional coach in a one-on-one coaching cycle.
This short teacher survey provides information about a teacher’s experience debriefing a mathematics lesson with an instructional coach.
This short teacher survey provides information about a teacher’s experience co-planning a mathematics lesson with an instructional coach
During this phase of the cycle a coach and a teacher might administer Classroom Measures.