Our Measures
Implementing instructional improvement strategies in school districts and other educational organizations that target the core of mathematics teaching and learning is incredibly challenging. One challenge is that there are few tools practitioners can use to engage in frequent, systematic, disciplined inquiry regarding the implementation of particular strategies in and across various contexts. Practical measures support this type of inquiry.
We are developing a system of practical measures, routines for using the measures, and representations of the measures to support instructional improvement in middle-grades math.
Our practical measures:
Are specific to improvement goals
Use language that is relevant and meaningful to practitioners
Are easy to implement
Provide frequent, rapid feedback
Directly inform efforts to track and improve practice
Can be easily embedded in professional learning
Are not meant to be used for accountability or high-stakes, evaluation purposes
Access the Measures
To access the measures, you will be asked to complete a short survey to let us know a bit about how you plan to use the surveys. In return, we ask that you track any changes you make and tell us the rationale for these changes. We will periodically follow up and request that we can post the adapted measure on our website.
Conditions of Use
This document provides guidance regarding how you should, and should not, use these practical measures in service of instructional improvement. We have generated these “conditions of use” based on systematic inquiry into the use of the measures in our partner districts.
Included in the document are:
Recommended conditions of use
Recommendations for data analysis and (dis)aggregation of the resulting data
Technical suggestions and frequently asked questions regarding preparing for the administration of the measures, the administration of the measures, and analyzing the resulting data after administration
We periodically update this document, based on what we are learning as our partner districts use the measures.
Classroom Measures

Launch of the Task
This short student survey provides insight into students’ experiences with teacher’s introduction to (or launch of) a mathematical task. We designed the survey to be administered immediately after a task is introduced and to take about 1 minute to complete.

Small Group Work
This short student survey provides information about students' experiences of key aspects of small group work. The survey was designed to take about 2-3 minutes to complete.

Whole-Class Discussion
This short student survey provides information about students' experiences with whole-class discussion in a specific lesson. The survey was designed to take 2-3 minutes to complete.

Rigor of the Task
This short checklist is designed to be used by a coach or district leader with a teacher to discuss the rigor of the task(s) selected for a lesson. We see this tool as working in tandem with the discussion tools, as the quality of discussion depends on the rigor of the mathematical task.
Professional Learning Measures
Coming soon
Bryk, A. S., Gomez, L. M., Grunow, A., & LeMahieu, P. G. (2015). Learning to improve: How America's schools can get better at getting better. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Solberg, L., Mosser, G., & McDonald, S. (1997). The three faces of performance measurement: Improvement, accountability, and research. Journal on Quality Improvement, 23(3), 135-148.

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